Saturday, May 16, 2020

Our Country Biggest Problem Conformity in Politics

Our Country’s Biggest Problem: Conformity in Politics In our nation’s history we have had some great politicians who not only did their duty in their office, but cared about the people they were serving in office. But in today’s society, we don’t really see that anymore. We see politicians doing whatever they have to, to win over their people, instead of caring for their needs. Many politicians go vote within party lines, which just causes more problems than it helps! Not only do we see this in our leaders but we also can find it in the people interested in politics or care about the future well-being. We see many people, when it comes to issues important to them just going with the side that they are told benefits them rather than finding out what is best for them on their own. In â€Å"Self Reliance† Ralph Waldo Emerson argues that if we are to trust ourselves rather than others, we can be happier than those than conform to how society wants us to live. One point Emerson makes in this work is that. We see a vast majority of politicians conforming to their parties’ ideas rather than going with what is best for their constituents. Our government is probably the most conforming thing we have today in the United States. Today, our government has become one of the most hated things in our country, due to the politicians lying about almost everything. We see them promising one thing for the people of their district, state, nation, etc. and then later in their term, break thatShow MoreRelatedThe First Challenge : The Separation Of Powers1376 Words   |  6 Pagesof Powers, is that our currant system of government is inefficient, unresponsive, and unaccountable. That separation of powers has divided and produced perpetually stalemated government, which is incapable of addressing important problems affecting a majority of the citizens. 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